McLeod's daughters. The complete first season


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DVD DramaDVD AF MCL V.1 Drama Volume 1Available
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Port Washington, NY : Distributed by KOCH Vision, [2006].


General Note
Title from container.
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Series developed by Posie Graeme-Evans.
General Note
Created by Posie Graeme-Evans and Caroline Stanton.
General Note
Originally broadcast on television in 2001-2002; television movie originally broadcast in 1996.
General Note
Contains all 22 episodes from the first season plus the original TV movie.
General Note
Special features: Disc 1: "Inside story" behind-the-scenes featurette ; Disc 2: Interview with producer/creator Posie Graeme-Evans ; Disc 3: Interview with co-producer Andrew Blaxland ; Disc 4: Interview with director Karl Zwicky ; Disc 6: Original 'McLeod's daughters' TV movie starring Jack Thompson (100 min.)
General Note
"'McLeod's daughters' TV movie credits: Millennium Pictures presents in association with The Australian Film Finance Corporation ; creators, Posie Graeme-Evans and Caroline Stanton ; starring Tammy MacIntosh, Kris McQuade, Marcia Deane-Johns, Simone Kessell, Maya Strange, Robert Mammone, Kevin Smith, Kym Wilson as Tess and Jack Thompson as Jack ; casting, Maura Fay and Associates, Ann Fay ; production designer, Ross Major ; director of photography, David Foreman ; editor, Edward McQueen ; composer, Guy Gross ; line producer, Perry Stapleton ; network executive producer, Kris Noble ; executive producer, Andrew Blaxland ; network script executive, Bevan Lee ; script and story editor, Caroline Stanton ; producer, Posie Graeme-Evans ; writer, Rob Hume ; director, Michael Offer"--Container.
Creation/Production Credits
Director of photography, Roger Dowling ; editors, Mark Perry, Dana Hughes, Tony Kavanah ; composers, Chris Harriott, Neil Sutherland, Song Zu, Charlie Chan, Alastair Ford ; production designer, Tony Cronin.
Bridie Carter, Lisa Chappell, Rachael Carpani, Jessica Napier, Aaron Jeffrey, Myles Pollard, Sonia Todd.
Claire and Tess, two sisters who were separated as children, are reunited when they inherit Drover's Run, a large Australian cattle property passed down for generations. Together they assemble an all-female workforce and face the challenges of the land.
System Details
DVD, region 1, anamorphic widescreen (16:9) presentation; Dolby Digital.
English or French languages.

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APA Citation, 7th Edition (style guide)

O'Brien, M., Wilson, M., Strachan, C., Haywood, C., Smith, S., McKimmie, J., Wyatt, A., Honey, J., Hawkshaw, C., Crane, L., Warner, D., Parsons, D., Sandler, G., Strickland, C., Hardy, M., Webb, S., Graeme-Evans, P., Jones, C. M., Pavlou, K., Crombie, D., Zwicky, K., Bennett, G., Carter, B., Chappell, L., Carpani, R., Napier, J., Jeffrey, A., Pollard, M., Todd, S., & Stanton, C. (2006). McLeod's daughters . Distributed by KOCH Vision.

Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)

Michaeley. O'Brien et al.. 2006. McLeod's Daughters. Distributed by KOCH Vision.

Chicago / Turabian - Humanities (Notes and Bibliography) Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)

Michaeley. O'Brien et al.. McLeod's Daughters Distributed by KOCH Vision, 2006.

MLA Citation, 9th Edition (style guide)

O'Brien, Michaeley., et al. McLeod's Daughters Distributed by KOCH Vision, 2006.

Note! Citations contain only title, author, edition, publisher, and year published. Citations should be used as a guideline and should be double checked for accuracy. Citation formats are based on standards as of August 2021.

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