Dante Fortson
Even though her popularity suggests otherwise, she is only mentioned in 12 verses in the Bible. Many of us think we know who she is and what her role was, but how much of it is based on scripture and how much is based on the Gnostic texts? It may surprise you to learn that many of the church teachings about Mary Magdalene come from outside of the Bible and have made their way into church doctrine as if it appeared in the Bible.
Miracles defy the normal rules of existence in order to make changes to our reality. The Bible is full of examples of paralyzed people being healed, food lasting longer than it should, and even people being raised from the dead. It is these miracles that we look to as signs of who the Messiah is and when he's scheduled to return. It is also the witnessing of these miracles that further solidifies our faith.
15 Minute Bible Studies are perfect for...
Todo lo que se hace en la oscuridad eventualmente saldrá a la luz. Cuando exhibimos un mal comportamiento, a menudo nos avergonzamos incluso en privado. Algunos tratarán de ocultar lo que han hecho y rezarán para que nunca se descubra el golpe, pero cuanto peor sea el comportamiento, más difícil será mantenerlo en secreto por mucho tiempo. En la Biblia, Dios elige a muchas personas para que hagan su voluntad, pero estaban lejos de ser perfectas....
"Then they fasted that day, and put on sackcloth, and cast ashes upon their heads, and rent their clothes, and laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images." - 1 Maccabees 3:47-48Undeniable is the perfect outreach tool to connect with anyone that is skeptical of the claim that the Israelites of the Bible are were black, and have always been black. This is first and foremost an outreach tool, but...
"So they fasted that day, put on sackcloth, threw ashes on their heads, tore their clothes, and opened the book of the law, in which the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images." - 1 Maccabees 3:47-48 Undeniable is the perfect outreach tool to connect with anyone who is skeptical of the claim that the Israelites of the Bible are black, and always have been black. It's first and foremost an awareness tool, but it's also a great giveaway...
Was slavery just a random grabbing of black people from Africa or were certain people targeted for slavery by Europeans?
There is a lot that we're not being told about slavery, and for some strange reason European pastors refuse to address the verses about slavery in scripture. We often hear that Hebrews migrated into the rest of the world and became all nations, but that's simply not true.
+ The Bible says that Hebrews would be taken across the...
"So they fasted that day, put on sackcloth, threw ashes on their heads, tore their clothes, and opened the book of the law, in which the nations had sought to paint the likeness of their images." - 1 Maccabees 3:47-48It is undeniably the perfect outreach tool to connect with anyone who is skeptical of the claim that the Israelites of the Bible are black and have always been black. This is first and foremost an outreach tool, but it's also a great...
Les 48 lois du pouvoir ont été écrites par Robert Greene et ont été publiées pour la première fois en 1998. Il est souvent considéré comme l'un des meilleurs livres à lire si vous voulez aller de l'avant dans la vie. Cela m'a amené à penser: «Pourquoi n'existe-t-il rien de tel pour notre communauté?" Beaucoup de gens parlent de ce que nous devons faire, de ce que nous devrions faire et de ce que nous pourrions faire en tant que communauté,...
Are the tribes of Israel really "lost" or were they hidden as prophesied in Psalms 83?The Bible seems to indicate a multi national conspiracy to hide Israel and wipe out the memory of who they really are. If this is true, then history as we know it has been hijacked, and it is only through searching that we will find the truth. In this book, you'll find the answers to the following questions, just to name a few:Why does a 1747 English map place the...
A veces simplemente no tenemos mucho tiempo para sentarnos y realmente profundizar en un estudio bíblico como nos encantaría. A veces solo tenemos unos minutos de sobra, y ahí es donde entran los estudios bíblicos de 15 minutos. Cada estudio está diseñado para resaltar los principales puntos de discusión entre teólogos, pastores, investigadores y creyentes en todas las etapas de su caminata.
Los estudios bíblicos de 15 minutos son perfectos...
Sometimes we just don't have a lot of time to sit down and really dig into a Bible study like we'd love to. Sometimes we only have a few minutes to spare, and that's where 15-minute Bible studies come in. Every study is designed to highlight major discussion points among theologians, pastors, researchers, and believers at all stages of their walk.
15 Minute Bible Studies are perfect for the Bible believer on the go.
Each study is condensed into...
Why are all of the maps in the back of the Bible zoomed in so close that you can't tell that 99% of the stories take place in Africa and Arabia?
Starting in Genesis, we are introduced to a utopian garden planted on the east of Eden. We are then told that one of the rivers of Eden flows through Ethiopia, and yet many of us often overlook this fact.
By the time we reach Genesis 10, we learn that Nimrod, a Cushite from Africa, founded Babel to become...
Introducing "The 48 Laws of Black Empowerment" by Robert Greene, a groundbreaking book published in response to the needs of our community. In 1998, Robert Greene penned "The 48 Laws of Power," a celebrated guide for personal success. However, it became apparent that our community lacked a resource specifically designed to address our unique challenges and aspirations.
This realization sparked the idea for "The 48 Laws of Black Empowerment." As the...
What are the true origins of Christianity and is there any truth to the belief that many black people wouldn't be Christians if it weren't for slavery? When we start digging into the origin of the Christian faith, we find that Africa played a major role in its early years.+ The world's largest church membership is found in Egypt.+ Ethiopia declared Christianity their official religion decades before Rome.+ The apostles preached in Africa and Arabia...
Are you sick and tired of overwhelming car payments every single month?
Are you exhausted from trying to pay your car off for what seems like forever?
Making payments on a vehicle almost always sucks the fun out of owning the vehicle, especially if money is tight. That's why I wrote this guide.
Who This Book Is For+ This book is for the person that still owes more than 25% on their loan.+ This book is for the person that wants to reduce their monthly...
"And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great sub-stance." – Genesis 15:13-14
For most of our lives we've been taught that the church has replaced Israel, Israel migrated and mixed with all nations, and that God no...
Does the term "Gentiles" refer to all non-Jews or is that just the lie we've been sold to cover up the truth? Who were the Gentiles and where are they now? What role do they play in Bible prophecy and where are we at on the prophetic countdown clock?
Believe it or not, the Bible tells us exactly who the Gentiles are, where they are, and what's about to happen when their time is up... and unfortunately it is too often ignored. We're about to get into...